The Social Sciences (2022 Volume 17)

  • Number of issues per year: 12
  • ISSN: 1818-5800 (Print)
  • ISSN: 1993-6125 (Online)
Archive (Volume 13 Issue 8, 2018)

Ethno-Medicinal Study on Garlic for Women and Occupational Health Using Herbs that Mentioned in Al-Quran and Hadith

Nurulwahidah Fauzi, Khadher Ahmad, Monika Munirah Abd Razzak, Khalijah Awang, Mohd Asmadi Yakob, Rozana Othman, Mohd Farhan Md Sariffin and Muhd Widus Sempo

Religious and Social Behaviour: Study on Internet Surfing Trend among Students of KKTM Rembau

Mariam Abdul Majid, Abd. Rahman Maarof, Syarul Azman Shaharuddin and Abur Hamdi Usman

Empirical Study of New Autonomic Region Formation in Indonesia (Expansion Area Study of Merangin Regency Jambi Province)

Fernandes Simangunsong and Imelda Hutasoit

The Role of Law Politics on Creating Good Governance and Clean Governance for a Free-Corruption Indonesia in 2030

Wahyu Widodo, Sapto Budoyo and Toebagus Galang Windi Pratama

Democratization in Indonesia: Cultural Change Mode to Openness (Influencing Factor Studies Towards Cultural Changes in Pamekasan Community)

Arif Darmawan

The Influence of Education and Training Study Field Towards Teacher Competence in Elementary School North Tapanuli, North Sumatra

Sukarman Purba and Erika Revida

Autonomy Dispute: Between Glitter of Gold and Conservation (Case Study on Traditional Gold Mining in Kaili Custom Community at Poboya, Palu)

Sulthan Zainuddin, A. Maddukelleng and Z.Hj. Sumarni

Remittance Management in Realizing a Prosperous Household of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) on Remoted Communities in Bawean Island Indonesia

Singgih Susilo

The Essence of Mukim as Form of Spatial Planning Based on Local Wisdom in Aceh

S. Rachmad, T. Nazaruddin, Moh. Fadli and I Nyoman N

Self-Esteem as a Mediator of the Relationship between Work-Family Balance and Happiness Among Working Mothers

Tina Afiatin and Hanif Akhtar

Optimizing the Potential Places and Attractions of Tourist Destination

Rachmawati Novaria and Suko Istijanto

Housing and Community Messages on a Korean-American Online Community: The Importance of Social Capital

Joong-Hwan Oh and Sangmoon Kim

The Influence of Corporate (University) Identity on Student Retention with Corporate Reputation and Student Satisfaction as Mediating Variables: The Case of a Jakarta Business School

Imam Nuraryo, Suwandi Sumartias, Husein Umar and Agus Rahmat

Fears in Early Childhood among Kindergartens and Primary Schools in Jordan

Haitham Baibers

The Evaluation of Performance of Faculty Staff at the Hashemite University as Perceived by their Students

Ibrahim Jumia`an, Ali Alelaimat and Najati Younis