Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Year: 2018
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page No. 848 - 851

A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Solve Transport Problems for School Buses

Authors : Nikita Saharkar and Mangesh Wanjari

Abstract: Transport service problem consist of multiple paths to some destination among which only one path works best on basis of certain constraints such as time, distance, etc. These constraints give different measures for optimal path to be selected. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) performs natural selection. GA belongs to the class of evolutionary algorithms known to give better results. In urban areas most of the schools with more than 50 school buses running around the large cities to pick-up students from different destinations driving towards school. Any student after being picked in a school bus must travel for least time towards school. Along with that each school bus must be occupied such that only optimal number of school buses is required. Here, the genetic algorithm generates chromosomes which evolve in each iteration that minimizes the time requirement for each bus along the best path. At the end an optimal solution is obtained which shows path for each bus.

How to cite this article:

Nikita Saharkar and Mangesh Wanjari, 2018. A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Solve Transport Problems for School Buses. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13: 848-851.

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