International Journal of Signal System Control and Engineering Application

Year: 2019
Volume: 12
Issue: 5
Page No. 116 - 120

Abstract: Beamforming is a type of spatial filtering and a process of signal processing techniques that is used in sensor arrays or antenna array for directing the signal transmission or reception. This is achieved by combining elements that in a phased array in such as a way that signals at specific angles face constructive interference while others facing destructive interference. Beamforming is used at both the transmitting end and receiving end in order to realize spatial selectivity. The main problem occurs while serving a huge number of Users on a network with a limited network resources which reduce the performance of the network, some of the urban-areas can be fulfill with users in a unique direction. The beamforming become is a technique used to focus the network resources to a specific direction and change the pattern of the antenna. The goal of the project is to design and simulate the adaptive beamforming technique in Matlab environment after study and analysis the beamforming techniques especially the adaptive beamforming method and selecting two beamforming algorithms to be evaluated in term of QoS parameters.

How to cite this article:

Mohammed Farooq, Rashid Abdelhaleem Saeed and Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir, 2019. Beamforming in Massive MIMO. International Journal of Signal System Control and Engineering Application, 12: 116-120.

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